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1185 Sheridan Road, Glencoe, IL 60022847.835.0724



Our Vision

We are NSCI.
We affirm that everyone is a stakeholder and community matters.
We understand that Judaism has something to offer everyone.
We nourish our deep roots. We grow. We believe in the possible.
We value diversity. We are young and young at heart.
We are NSCI.

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Sermon of the week

Did you miss the sermon from Friday night's Kabbalat Shabbat service? Don't fret because you can watch the sermon of the week right here! 


 In her sermon from Friday night's Kabbalat Shabbat service, Rabbi Geffen invites us to see the period of time leading up the High Holy Days as an opportunity for us to free ourselves from the negative patterns and behaviors to which we all too often default.   As the Torah portion from last week reminds us, each of us has the ability to make the changes that we wish to see in ourselves, and in doing so, we have the opportunity to make a greater difference in our relationships and even in the world.


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Upcoming events

All Events
  • Sunday ,
    SepSeptember  8 , 2024
    Feed the Homeless Sunday Meal Prep
    Sunday, Sep 8th 11:30a to 2:30p
    For nearly three decades NSCI’s Feed the Homeless program has helped to feed thousands of people around Chicago. We provide 1,000 hot meals and brown bag lunches monthly.


  • Monday ,
    SepSeptember  9 , 2024
    Hebrew in a Hurry: New Learners Fall 2024
    Monday, Sep 9th 12:00p to 1:15p
    Study with an expert Hebrew teacher over Zoom.


  • Monday ,
    SepSeptember  9 , 2024
    Elul Challah Bake and Card Making (Adults Only)
    Monday, Sep 9th 5:00p to 7:00p
    Led by Laney Pressman, Cori Levinson, & Rabbi Greene Co-sponsored by Women of NSCI Join us for an evening of creativity. Master challah baker, Laney Pressman, will teach us how to bake her delicious Rosh Hashanah challah, and we will prepare our own to bring home for the holiday. Laney approaches challah making with a unique spiritual vantage point that is sure to inspire. While the challah is rising, we will make beautiful Rosh Hashanah cards with Cori Levinson, a skilled artist and card-maker. These cards will later be delivered with Rosh Hashanah sweetness by Hands of Chesed to a prearranged list of our community members who may need an extra lift in time for the new year. This workshop is for adults. Limited spots available.


  • Monday ,
    SepSeptember  9 , 2024
    Learn High Holy Day Hebrew Prayers
    Monday, Sep 9th 7:00p to 8:15p
    Brush up on your Hebrew reading skills and practice some of the best known passages of the High Holy Day prayers.



youth education

Jewish education that’s inspiring, enlightening, thought-provoking, powerful, and even fun. We create a unique environment to bring forth the vibrancy of our faith. Come see how choice, hands-on learning, progressive education, and teaching to the individual fuels our one-of-a-kind experience.

For more information, call Dr. Roberta Goodman at the Goodman Center for Jewish Education at 847.835.7258.

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Sat, September 7 2024 4 Elul 5784